How To Improve Your Work-Life Balance Working From Home

How To Improve Your Work Life Balance When Working From Home
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How Can You Improve Your Work-Life Balance? Is it ironic that I’m typing this article on a Sunday evening when I should be resting? Perhaps, but to me, my blog falls more in the “life” category rather than “work”.

I’ve spent the last 3 years perfecting a “work from home” routine and developing boundaries and let me tell you- it is no easy feat. If you actually enjoy your job, then shutting your work brain off becomes nearly impossible. I’m constantly catching myself thinking of new real estate marketing techniques or blog post ideas, but at the end of the day, I always work better with defined time off.

I wouldn’t categorize myself as someone who gets stressed easily, but leading up to my vacation last month my jaw was bursting with pain and I realized it was a culmination of taking on too many things this summer and forgetting my work-life boundaries. The pain went away immediately after my beach getaway and I quickly adjusted my priorities when I got back into town.

While I am grateful that a vacation was in my budget, I understand that it’s not always feasible for everyone. But, there are other ways to maintain a work-life balance without needing to go on a trip.

Over the years I’ve started recognizing how much the real estate world glorifies the hustle and 24/7 work culture. The reality is that we can have success without the hustle. In fact, you will have even more success when you learn to take a break and enjoy your hobbies.

So, if you’re new to remote working or are just looking for more tips on how to maintain a work-life balance, here’s what has helped me over the years!

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Work-life balance

set up a dedicated Office

Set up a work space you clearly associate with work and then it will be easier for you to get into the appropriate mindset when you’re there. Try to stay out of that area during the evenings when you’re off from work. This will set clear physical boundaries and will make the mental ones easier to develop.

Personally, I don’t follow this- I love working all over my house. I have a short attention span and require a constant change in scenery! But, for some people this is a true game changer.

Set A flexible Schedule

By setting a schedule I don’t necessarily mean developing an hour by hour schedule, but instead, decide on the amount of hours you’d like to work that day. For example, I tend to work from 10-6pm most days. I don’t schedule my days by the hour, but instead I list my top 3-5 priorities I’d like to tackle and focus on those. Before 10am, I complete my morning routine and after 6pm I begin to unwind!

develop a Morning Routine to improve your work-life balance

I love slow mornings. I’ve found that by giving myself time to enjoy a relaxed and slow morning I’m able to start the day stress-free. Right now my morning routine starts with free-form journaling. In the mornings, I grant myself the freedom to write about anything that comes to mind, whether it’s just a huge brain dump of what I did that weekend, or listing out my worries. This journaling habit is a chance for me to clear my head and start the day with better intentions.

After journaling, I eat my breakfast, then I take Dixie for a 20-30 minute walk. Sometimes I use that time to make a few work or personal calls, or I just enjoy my neighborhood in silence. I never took morning walks before we adopted Dixie in June but I’m so glad I started. The exercise and fresh air significantly improves my day.

When I get back I brew a cup of tea and focus on my administrative work and the most daunting items on my to do list. I’ve found that by tackling the difficult items first, I work more efficiently the rest of the day. Otherwise, I am guilty of dragging my simpler tasks out in order to avoid my complicated ones…

Read: Money Journaling Challenge

Working from home with a work life balance

Break Up Your Day With A Lunch Break

When I worked a 9-5 in engineering I always worked straight through my lunch. I wanted to be home quicker and that was the best way. Now that I work from home I realize the importance of a lunch break. It helps split up my day between different types of tasks and gives my brain a quick mental breather! Around noon, I usually do a 30 minute workout (here are some of my favorite fitness apps) and then cook a quick lunch.

Focus on the urgent tasks

Work smarter not harder. Most of the tasks on your to do list can be finished the next day and are not urgent. I have been guilty in the past of trying to finish everything on my list immediately when in reality, I had weeks to complete it. When I started focusing only on the pressing items, both the quality of my work and my mental health improved.

Plan something to look forward to

Whether you are planning for something to do on the weeknights or weekends, it helps to separate work from your personal life when you have something to look forward to. I encourage you to make plans for every evening- even if it’s just to watch a movie with a bowl of popcorn. This way, you are tempted to work more efficiently so you can start enjoying your evenings and weekend plans sooner.

Wrap Up your Day properly

After lunch, I wrap up my to do list and at the end of the work day I create a list of priorities to tackle the next day.

The best way to force yourself to end your work day on time, is to schedule a non-negotiable time for dinner. We always aim to eat around 6:30pm and then I take Dixie out for her evening walk before it gets dark. There are days I have to work after the walk but creating evening plans really helps me work more efficiently since I do not like walking her in the dark.

Remember to put your laptop away once you are finished! If you have a designated office space, leave the laptop there and do your best to not open it up until the next day.

Do you work remotely? What are some of your best tips for balancing your personal life with your work? Please share these work-life balance tips with your friends and family if you found them helpful!

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