30 Motivational Quotes On Money Journaling Challenge

30 Day Money Journaling Challenge- Money Minimalists
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Have you ever tried money journaling?

Looking for a mindset shift about money? I’m here to challenge you to a 30 day journey where you will learn to reflect on your financial habits! I’ve compiled a list of 30 motivational quotes on money for you to use over the next 30 days! I encourage you to save this post and check back in every day so you can find inspiration in the daily quote. Invite your friends to join you so you can hold each other accountable!

As you’re probably gathering, I’m a journaling fiend. I journal about everything! I have separate journals for real estate, blogging, and personal morning and night journals. I have found brain dumping and reflecting every single day to be extremely therapeutic and rewarding.

So, I want to invite you to take a few minutes out of your day over the next month and reflect on these inspiring money quotes.

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Money Journaling Quotes

30 Day Money Journaling Challenge

Day 1

Today’s motivational money quote is:

“It’s good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it’s good, too, to check up once in a while and make sure that you haven’t lost the things that money can’t buy.”
George Lorimer

Wow! Now this money quote really digs deep during this 2020 quarantine. How many of you had an epiphany about changing your priorities? How many of you were caught focusing too much on work and money when you should’ve been focusing on your loved ones? Take a few minutes to reflect on this quote today.

Day 2:

Did you know that money is not the answer to all of your problems?

“Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.”
-Ayn Rand

Remember, money can help you, but if you do not set goals and work to better yourself, it will not have the desired effect. Have you ever caught yourself thinking money would be the answer to all of your problems?

Day 3:

Who are my serial learners out there? Today’s motivational money quote is for you!

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

-Benjamin Franklin

What personal growth tools are you investing in these days? Maybe it’s reading more books? Watching webinars? Plan to invest in your knowledge for at least 30 minutes today! Write down your plan for your next self development goal.

Day 4:

We’re almost halfway through the first week!

“Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.”

What does this quote mean to you? Do you have a lot of wants?

Day 5:

Today’s money journaling quote is about finding meaning in making your money.

“Making money isn’t hard in itself… What’s hard is to earn it doing something worth devoting one’s life to.”
-Carlos Ruiz Zafón

Are you earning money in a fulfilling way? What can you do to make it more meaningful?

Day 6:

Let’s address any potential anger you’re harboring towards the “rich”.

“Resenting the rich is one of the surest ways to stay broke.”
– T Harv Eker

Do you ever feel like you’re comparing yourself to the “rich” and resenting them? The “rich” are people just like you! Resenting them won’t do anyone any good, in fact we should do everything we can to learn from them and their financial journies! How can you work on moving past any feelings of resentment?

Money Journaling Quotes

Day 7:

I love a good metaphor! It really puts things into perspective for me.

Beware of small expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.”
– Benjamin Franklin

Did you know that your daily $3.34 latte can cost you $6,105 in 5 years!? Small expenses can add up and make a bigger dent in your savings than you realize. What is a daily expense you’re hoping to cut out in the future?

Day 8:

Congrats on making it through the first week of the motivational money quotes challenge!!
Let’s continue in your money mindset journey with today’s insightful quote:

“It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor.”
– Seneca

Do you always feel like you have nothing to wear? Are you always chasing after the shiniest thing and then left realizing it didn’t make you happier? Take a few minutes to observe why you’re like this. If online shopping is the culprit, check out these tips to curb that habit.

Day 9:

My job as a real estate agent is heavily focused on customer service. A lot of our sales training focuses on putting the customer first and fighting to find new ways to serve.

“The secret to wealth is simple: Find a way to do more for others than anyone else does. Become more valuable. Do more. Give more. Be more. Serve more.”

-Tony Robbins

I’ve noticed that I tend to succeed more when it directly impacts others. Have you noticed that in your work?

Day 10:

How’s your money mindset? Do you feel it shifting?

“The mint makes it first, it is up to you to make it last.”

-Evan Esar

Today’s motivational quote on money is about making your money last. But it’s applicable to habits as well. If you’re enjoying journaling about these positive money quotes, turn this into a habit! Make this personal growth last!

Day 11:

Some days I just feel stuck at work. I feel like I’m in a rut and I have to do everything in my power to pull through and remind myself to shift my mindset. Today’s quote is about that…

“Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that. “
Norman Vincent Peale

I truly believe that achieving financial goals is just a matter of achieving a mindset shift. Do you agree or disagree? Jot down your thoughts!

Day 12:

I don’t know about you, but over these past two months of quarantine I have saved quite a bit of money! If you changed your terminology to “investing money” rather than “spending money” I think you’d act differently about it!

“Replace ‘spend’ with ‘invest’ in your vocabulary and notice how it impacts your everyday decisions.”

-Randy Thio

Think back to the last few things you ordered on Amazon… Were they an investment or an expense? (Mine were some vitamins and Erin Lowry’s book, The Broke Millennial Takes on Investing… I’d say that’s an investment!)

Day 13:

We’re almost done with the second week of your money mindset transformation!

If you wish to get rich, save what you get. A fool can earn money; but it takes a wise man to save and dispose of it to his own advantage.”

-Brigham Young

How does saving money make you feel? Does it make you feel wealthier?

Money Journaling

Day 14:

Today’s motivational quote on money is about taking control of your finances.

‘If we command our wealth, we shall be rich and free. If our wealth commands us, we are poor indeed.”

-Edmund Burke

Do you feel like money controls your life or do you let it dictate your life?

Day 15:

Wowee, this quote hit home! I’m all about that instant gratification so thinking long term can sometimes get to me!

“People don’t like the idea of thinking long term. Many are desperately seeking short term answers because they have money problems to be solved today. ”
-Robert Kiyosaki

Do you give yourself enough grace when things take longer to come to fruition? This is something I’m still working heavily on!

Day 16:

I have realized that a lot of people look to money as the answer to all of their problems. They think it will completely transform their lives…

“If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man can have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.”
Henry Ford

Take a few minutes to set some personal development goals that will transform your life. Remember money isn’t changing your life, you’re completely responsible for any change you feel.

Day 17:

Do you ever think “why does this happen to me?” “Why is the world against me?” Well then this quote is for you!

“Rich people believe ‘I create my life.’ Poor people believe ‘Life happens to me.’”
-T Harv Eker

Life doesn’t happen to you, we need to be less reactive to our life and more proactive! How will you be proactive with your money today?

Day 18:

How many of you feel like time is flying by? I can’t believe 2020 is almost halfway over! This year has been crazy!

“Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.”
– Jim Rohn

If you had to choose between more time and more money, what would be your choice? Why?

Day 19:

Today’s wise money journaling quote is about taking back the power from money.

“Money cannot buy peace of mind. It cannot heal ruptured relationships, or build meaning to a life that has none.”
– Richard Devos

Once we realize that money isn’t the be-all and end-all, we will be able to welcome more of it into our lives. Do you put money up on a pedestal? Do you think it will bring you health relationships and peace? Why or why not?

Day 20:

Today’s money mindset challenge is about your connection to money.

“A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart.”
– Jonathan Swift

Do you feel so strongly about money that it is irrational at times? Do you think with your heart rather than your head?

Money Journaling Prompts

Day 21:

We are on our last week of the motivational money quote challenge!!

“That man is richest whose pleasures are cheapest.”
Henry Thoreau

Is your lifestyle expensive? Is your criteria for happiness financially draining?

Day 22:

Have you seen that meme about a millennial’s favorite pastime being figuring out how their friends afford their lifestyles? Chances are they don’t!

“Most wealth is inconspicuous. The man down the street driving the nice car and living in the mansion could easily have greater debt and a lower net worth than the stealthy and wealthy plumber who drives a beat-up truck but seems to work only when he doesn’t feel like fishing.”

Loral Langemeier

Do you feel like you spend too much time noticing how others flaunt their money? Do you ever feel judgemental or inadequate compared to them?

Day 23:

Do you ever feel overwhelmed about your financial goals?

“Stop telling yourself that getting rich is outside of your control. The truth is that making money is an inside job.”

-Steve Siebold

Getting rich is completely in your control. Write this down as an affirmation today! Manifest this.

Day 24:

Today’s quote is about borrowing money and accruing debt.

“Every time you borrow money, you’re robbing your future self. “
-Nathan W Morris

This really puts things into perspective. You’re eventually going to have to pay that credit card off, so why spend above your means? What do you think? Would you rather deal with the consequences now or leave them for your future self to worry about?

Day 25:

While I do believe in manifestations and positive affirmations, they do not work without a plan in place…

“Riches do not respond to wishes. They respond only to definite plans, backed by definite desires, through constant persistence.”

-Napolean Hill

Do you have a financial plan in place? A budget? What are your financial goals?

Day 26:

What do you think about today’s journal prompt? Do you wish you had more time or money?

“The rich invest in time. The poor invest in money.” – Warren Buffett

-Warren Buffett

Day 27:

The reason they call it financial freedom is because you’re free from the typical financial burdens.

“Wealth is not about having a lot of money; it’s about having a lot of options.”
– Chris Rock

Picture yourself having lots of options in life. How does that feel? Do you feel at peace?

Now let’s make a plan and get there together!

Day 28:

I added a number of time vs. money quotes in this challenge. I want you all to understand how important it is to know the value of time. Once you realize how valuable it is, you will start to prioritize your life more efficiently and be able to make your money work for you.

“Spend your money on the things money can buy. Spend your time on the things money can’t buy. “
-Haruki Murakami

What’s your biggest time waster right now? If you were to turn that into personal development or a side hustle, what would you do? Would you read, take a webinar or maybe flip some furniture?

Day 29:

Did you know that Chip and Joanna Gaines don’t own a TV? They’ve managed to build an incredible empire with the same 24 hours that everyone else has. It’s all about prioritizing your time.

“Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.”
-Zig Ziglar

I’m not saying don’t own a TV (I enjoy my Netflix just as much as the next person), but try to limit yourself to 1-2 episodes a night. It’s easy to get sucked in and veg out, but make it a point to include a few more educational aspects into your day if possible!

Day 30:

We did it! Today is the last day of the motivational money quote journaling challenge!

“Wealth is largely the result of habit.”
John Jacob Astor

I’m hoping these prompts have encouraged you to think about your money mindset in new ways and led to some epiphanies. What new money habits will you incorporate into your lifestyle in order to achieve your next goals?

Inspirational Money Journal Prompts

Thank you for coming along this 30 day journey with me! My goal for these 30 money journaling quotes was to alter your money mindset and encourage you to dig deeper.

Since money is deemed an impolite subject to talk about, we’re left with a lot of harmful financial narratives we tell ourselves. We need to break the stigma of discussing money and help each other achieve financial freedom.

So, in an effort to inspire others to think about money differently, I would appreciate it if you shared this article with your friends, family and social media followers.

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