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about me

This year, I turned 25, published an e-book and bought my first house! But, my life wasn’t always like this. Two years ago, I could barely cover my rent some months and my financial troubles were starting to affect my relationship with my boyfriend. We had difficult discussions about who would have to sacrifice their dream to support the other. Would I have to give up my dream of being self-employed in order to support his dream of getting his Bachelor’s degree? I was left with two choices: either I “make it” as a Realtor and he stays in school, or I go back to a stable engineering job until he finishes his degree (I was not about to have him drop out to support me). It was one of the hardest years of my life, so I’m doing everything in my power to never go back to that level of financial insecurity again!

According to CNBC, “20% of Americans don’t save any of their annual income.” That’s where this blog comes in. I am here to help. My journey has forced me to budget better, approach a minimalist outlook towards money, and buy my first home. I’m excited to continue diving deeper into the world of personal finance and share what I discover. Along my blogging journey I hope to create a community of ambitious people who will learn how to take control of their finances and dream bigger with me.

Meet Kseniya, the mind behind The Money Minimalists
This is me in Seattle!

The Money Minimilasts cat

Besides being a Realtor, blogging, and volunteering, I am a cat mom to a spoiled cat we adopted (see above picture) and a huge travel junkie. I have been to over 16 countries, lived in four states, three countries, and I cannot seem to settle down! I have gypsy feet and I can’t wait to travel again once we’re past this pandemic! Below, you can see me pictured in front of my favorite lake in the world. It is Blanca lake and the water is indescribable. If you’re ever in the Seattle area, I highly recommend going on this hike!

Enough about me! I’d love to hear from you about your biggest financial struggles! Are you budgeting for your downpayment? Are you trying to pay off your student loan debt? As I further educate myself on personal finance, I will continue to share my knowledge with all of you so that we can achieve our goals together! Personal finance is a life-long journey, but it becomes easier with the right support system around you. I truly believe we can all achieve our financial goals with the right tools and environment. I’m here to hold your hand through your financial journey and cheer you on!

Talk Soon,

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