How A Color Palette Wardrobe Can Save You Money

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Set your phone down and go take a look at your closet. Chances are you gravitate towards a few specific colors (mine happen to be blue, orange, and white). Write these down. We’ll circle back to this later.

Color palette wardrobes are a simplified take on the popularized capsule wardrobes. They will help you declutter your life, stop impulse shopping, save money, and slow down the world of fast fashion!

So what even is a color palette wardrobe?

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What Is A Color Palette Wardrobe?

I first heard about a color palette closet on TikTok from Bri Hull. She helps educate others on how to simplify their lives by narrowing their clothes down to a few choice colors and styles.

A color palette wardrobe stems from the idea of capsule closets.

“According to Faux, a capsule wardrobe is a collection of a few essential items of clothing that do not go out of fashion, such as skirts, trousers, and coats, which can then be augmented with seasonal pieces.This idea was popularised by American designer Donna Karan, who, in 1985, released an influential capsule collection of seven interchangeable work-wear pieces.”

How To Create Your Own Color Palette Closet

Step 1. Declutter

If your closet is all over the place then take a few minutes to color coordinate everything you have to help you recognize the patterns.

The best way to avoid the daily analysis paralysis on what to wear is to have less choices! Pack away your seasonal clothes and sell or donate everything else that you do not wear.

Read: How To Organize Your Closet On A Budget

Step 2. Don’t Reinvent The Wheel

While you were color coordinating and decluttering, did you notice the colors you prefer? I always gravitate towards blue, maroon, white, and orange tops and for dresses I enjoy playing with varying colors and patterns.

Knowing that I prefer those colors and styles, I can shop more intentionally each time and focus only on the clothes that I enjoy wearing.

Check out Bri’s color palette quiz to help you create a palette based on your features.

Step 3. Research

Once you’ve narrowed down your color preferences, you can head to Pinterest and search “wardrobe color palettes” to determine what colors you’d like to add or remove from your current mix.

Step 4. Determine Your Staple Items

Now that you know the colors you prefer, you need to make a list of the most common items you wear. For me it’s dresses, tops, and jeans. When doing this exercise I realized I should focus on buying shorts rather than dresses.

Step 5. Keep A Running List!

Create a note in your phone with your color palette and the clothes you actually need. Stick to this next time you go shopping and it will help you avoid impulse purchases.

How A Color Palette Wardrobe Can Save You Money

Color palette wardrobes keep you on track financially and help you avoid impulsively buying clothes you won’t wear often. If you wear a clothing item often then the cost per use becomes smaller making it more worthwhile. If you splurge on a cute new dress that doesn’t match your normal color palette or style, then you’ll wear it less often making the cost per use higher.

Decluttering your closet and incorporating a color scheme can help you avoid constantly buying the same color shirts as well. Next time I go shopping I know I need to focus on buying less white shirts since I have so many.

Color palette clothes simplify your wardrobe and keep you from chasing fleeting fast fashion trends. This system will help curb your impulse shopping and enjoy each clothing item more.

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