5 FREE Things To Do While Stuck In Quarantine

5 FREE Things To Do While Stuck In Quarantine
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With numerous states and countries issuing a “Stay At Home” order, a lot of you are probably wondering what to do while stuck in quarantine! It can be hard to adjust to working from home and having less social interaction, but I encourage you to take a step back and reflect on what you normally would want to do on a weekend. Think of this as an extended staycation. Since I’ve been working from home for a few years now, I have become quite the homebody and decided to compile a few of my favorite things to do, as well as some that I will be adding to my list over the next few weeks!

Did you know that 53% of Americans responded that they are burned out at work (see more stats here)? A lot of us have been overworked to the point where we do not know how to occupy ourselves with all of this new-found free time! I urge you to take advantage of this time to enjoy your loved ones, take care of the plants you might’ve been neglecting, hop on a Zoom call, reach out to old friends, and BREATHE.

Once you’ve gone through all of those, below is a list of items I compiled that you can do with your free time while self-quarantining. I am trying to make the most of this situation and learning as much as I can about blogging and researching financial questions I’ve had about health insurance, taxes, the new stimulus package, unemployment etc. This is the time to start knocking things off of your to-do lists but I urge you all to not feel like you have to achieve all of those goals right now! You can also use this time to re-connect with nature, your family, or catch up on your Netflix shows (I recommend binging Love Is Blind and Tiger King).

Do not feel guilty about seeing all of the blog posts and social media posts defining what “making the most of your time” means. YOU decide what it means to YOU. One man’s “productive” is another man’s “waste of time”. Listen to your mind and body and do what you feel is best! But, if you’re looking for ways to occupy your time, below is a list of 5 FREE things you can do over the next few weeks!

5 FREE things to do while stuck in quarantine

1. Volunteer online

I have been looking for a way to give back during this time. There are a lot of people who are suffering and we need to come together as a community to offer our support. Despite volunteering to help your elderly and immunocompromised neighbors with groceries, or donating to local food banks, there are also ways to volunteer online. One of my favorite options for volunteering remotely is 7Cups. This is a service where you can offer a listening ear to someone in need. This will not only help the members, but it will help you become a better listener and communicator.

In order to volunteer with them, you have to be at least 18 years old. When signing up, you are able to choose which issues you’re comfortable with and those you would like to stay away from (i.e, anxiety, breakups, etc). Once you enter that information in, you are required to take a 30 minute training course so they can ensure that you are capable of helping their members. If you do not pass, you are welcome to reset and try again.

Do not worry about diving in right away, you will have a chance to test out your skills in a practice chat before you are allowed to communicate with the members directly. What I love about this program is there are also support chats where you can ask more experienced “listeners” for help! This is a wonderful way to give back and you can do it from the comfort of your home.

2. Pursue a passion project

Have you been wanting to learn how to take better photos? What about starting that podcast you’ve been talking about for months now? Many course creators are offering discounts for their courses in light of this pandemic. Some of my favorite sites include Udemy, Skillshare, Rosetta Stone, and even YouTube to learn something you’ve been putting off! The internet has a wealth of knowledge. One of my friends learned how to drive a manual car from YouTube!

With no social events to distract you, dedicating your time to pursue a passion project is a great option to occupy yourself during quarantine! The project I am pursuing is learning to be a better blogger! I have been wanting to start a blog for ages now and what better time than now? Review your New Year’s Resolutions from a few months ago and tackle one of the projects you listed!

You can also use this time to create something like an e-book or a digital course and earn some side income! We all have skills that we can share with the world. Take a few minutes to reflect on what you’re an expert on and find out how you can help others get to your level! Amazon offers its own self-publishing software called Kindle Direct Publishing which is pretty straightforward and easy to use. Last year during the slower season of real estate, I used my free time to write an ebook on passing your Florida real estate exam!

5 FREE things to do while stuck in quarantine

3. Do the house projects you’ve been putting off

If you’re anything like me, I am sure you have an endless list of house projects you’ve been trying to tackle! I just moved into my house a few months ago and we still have so many items to take care of. I still need to paint my bathroom vanities, hang up my artwork, and work on installing hardware on the kitchen cabinets. I finally ordered some new nails and am excited to get started on hanging up my artwork and making my home feel more cozy. We also still need to mount our TV but we’ve been nervous to do it on our own since we’ve never done it before. Wish us luck! Like I said earlier, everything is on YouTube so we’ll rely on that.

4. Spring clean & get items ready to donate/sell

I love this one! This one can help declutter your life AND make you money! So many sites make it easy for you. Check out Facebook marketplace, OfferUp, Let Go, Poshmark and thredUP. ThredUp is the easiest because they send you a bag directly to your house so you don’t even have to drive anywhere! In the past, I have been able to sell furniture, clothes and other miscellaneous items online! If you’re trying to avoid seeing people I’d recommend sticking to ThredUp since it’s the easiest option. You can go on their website and request a donation back and then you drop it off at the post office to be mailed. It takes a few weeks but if they approve your clothes, they will pay you for them!

5 FREE things to do while stuck in quarantine

5. Self- care

Use this time to reconnect with your family and loved ones. It’s a time to take a break from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives and reflect on what it is we are looking for in our lives. Use that new face mask you’ve been dying to try, paint your nails, read a book, JOURNAL. This is a historic time for all of us and it will be interesting to read about our experiences in the future. Light a candle and enjoy some sunset yoga (check out my yoga app recommendations- 7 Best Free Workout Apps To Try During Quarantine), go on a walk, or bake some cookies as a family. The whole world is going through this together, and one of the most heartwarming things to come out of this is seeing everyone unite and spread their love and support.

Did you know that Isaac Newton discovered the theory of gravity during a plague? He used all of that extra time to formulate a life-changing theory. Now while most of us cannot put that type of pressure on ourselves, we can still use this time to better our lives. What we’re going through is completely unprecedented and a once in a lifetime experience (hopefully). I truly believe lots of creativity will be sparked by this and some of the world’s greatest artists, writers, and creators will emerge. What are you up to during this quarantine? Have you tried any of the items on my list? Comment below, I’d love to hear from you!

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